Who Was Selma Fontheim?
Who Was Selma Fontheim?
The Forward, Nov. 13, 2023
A journey to see famed artist Edvard Munch’s portraits of my great-grandmother.

What I’ve Learned – and Haven’t – About Mindsets
What I’ve Learned – and Haven’t – About Mindsets
The New York Times, August 12, 2020
I’ve worked on having a growth mindset for a long time. But it sure isn’t easy.

The Importance of Names
The Importance of Names
The Los Angeles Times, August 25, 2019
My father and I visited Germany 80 years after he left – and what the trip told us about our own country

Of Love, Loss and Basketball
Of Love, Loss and Basketball
CoveyClub, July 2018
The nest isn’t really empty until they go to work. My essay about changes.

Do you really have to go on college tours?
Do you really have to go on college tours?
The Washington Post, August 25, 2016
They’re expensive and repetitive – are they necessary?

The Story You Can’t Publish – And Can’t Forget
The Story You Can’t Publish – And Can’t Forget
ASJA Monthly May 2014
I didn’t want to give up on my piece about Sandor Acs and his moment in history. But there were no takers.

A Boy’s Dream as Slugger Moves to Town
A Boy’s Dream as Slugger Moves to Town
The New York Times, May 2, 2010
No one was more excited than my son when a Mets superstar moved into our town.